عربى | الصفحة الرئيسية


Members of the Islamic Manuscript Association are entitled to discounted registration for its events, discounts on the price of publications, and participation in its governance. The Association no longer offers a subscription to the Journal of Islamic Manuscripts or discounted access to JPASS.

To apply for membership, please complete the online or hard copy membership application. The Association’s board of directors considers membership applications every month. The Association’s office administrators will contact applicants to inform them of the board’s decision. Applicants who have been accepted will be asked to pay membership fees after receiving notification of their acceptance. The Association’s membership year runs from 1 January to 31 December.

There are three categories of membership in the Association. These are:


Individuals wishing to join the Association should have an academic or professional interest in Islamic codicology or disciplines related to the care and management of manuscript collections, including but not limited to cataloguing, conservation, and digitisation.

Students and pensioners are eligible to pay concessioray fees for individual membership. Proof of full-time student status is required.


Institutions wishing to join the Association should possess a collection of Islamic manuscripts or be centres for research and scholarship on Islamic manuscripts or disciplines related to the care and management of manuscript collections, including but not limited to cataloguing, conservation, and digitisation. Institutional applications must include the nomination of an institutional representative – normally a senior member of staff – who will be given voting privileges in the Association. In addition to this representative, up to four more members from the institution may join the Association without voting privileges. These persons should complete separate membership application forms.


Companies wishing to join the Association should be involved in consultancy, publishing, or producing materials related to Islamic manuscripts. Corporate applications must include the nomination of a company representative – normally a senior member of staff – who will be given voting privileges in the Association. In addition to this representative, up to four more members from the company may join the Association without voting privileges. These persons should complete separate membership application forms.