عربى | الصفحة الرئيسية

The Tenth Islamic Manuscript Conference

Manuscripts and Conflict

Celebrating the Tenth Anniversary of the Islamic Manuscript Association

31 August-2 September 2014, Magdalene College, University of Cambridge

With an Optional Special Programme on 3 September 2014, including a Workshop on Disaster Planning for Islamic Manuscript Collections

Poster Presentations

This year’s Islamic Manuscript Conference will include an area for informal poster presentations of attendees’ research and work with Islamic manuscripts. 

As the programme is very full, there is no specific scheduled session for poster presentations. However, conference attendees will be able to visit the poster area at any time during the morning and afternoon coffee breaks, lunchtimes, and after each day’s timetable of lectures is finished. Poster presenters should therefore expect to be in attendance in the poster area at these times in order to answer any questions from delegates.

The deadline for poster submissions is 1 July, with final versions due by 1 August.

Conference attendees will preferably present their posters in person; however, poster submissions from those unable to attend the conference in person are also invited.

All posters are expected to be of good technical and academic quality, and will be accepted at the sole discretion of the conference organisers. No registration discount is available for poster presenters, although students are eligible to register at a concessionary rate. 

Poster Guidelines

Posters should be printed and laminated at A1 (60cm x 85cm) or A0 (85cm x 120cm) size, in either horizontal of vertical format, and consist of a mixture of text (max 800 words) and images that coveys the essence of the presenter’s current work or research project in a concise, engaging and visual manner.

Tables, pin boards, and extension cables will be provided but presenters should bring their own pins. Posters can be accompanied with leaflets, business cards, sign-up sheets, and powerpoint displays on laptops if desired. Where poster presenters are unable to attend the conference in person, these materials should be sent to the Association’s office by post, to arrive by 1 August.

Deadlines for Submission

All submissions should be sent by email attachment to: submissions@islamicmanuscript.org

Commercial Exhibitors

Those interested in holding a commercial exhibition stall at the conference (e.g. publishers, conservation suppliers, etc) should contact the Association directly by email at admin@islamicmanuscript.org to find out more.