عربى | الصفحة الرئيسية


Bibliography on Islamic Papers, Book Structures, Pigments and their Conservation

Compiled by Paul Hepworth


This bibliography represents a start at creating a comprehensive bibliographic resource on the material structure of Islamic manuscripts and their conservation. It assumes the widest possible role for a conservator. In order to most effectively treat Islamic manuscripts and contribute to their study, such a person should have knowledge of all the materials used in the construction of the manuscripts, how these books were planned, laid out, marked, put together and, later, often changed or repaired. In short, anything relating to the material nature of the manuscripts falls under the purview of this bibliography. Although this role envisioned for the conservator can overlap with that of the art historian, codicologist or palaeographer, many areas of these domains are not included in the bibliography, for example questions of style or authorship. The bibliography includes citations in languages familiar to the compiler: English, French, German and Turkish. Contributions in these and other languages are most welcome. Full citations should be sent to: tima@islamicmanuscript.org. When referring to this bibliography, the citation should include the name of Paul Hepworth, principal compiler, and the name of this website:


Abbott, Nabia. “A Ninth-Century Fragment of the “Thousand Nights”: New Light on the Early History of the Arabian Nights.” Journal of Near Eastern Studies 8, no. 3 (1949) 129-165.

Adam, Paul. “Uber turkisch-arabisch-persische Manuskripte und deren Einbande.” Archiv fur - 1 -Buchbinderei 4 (1904) 141-143; 4 (1905) 145-152, 161-168, 177-185; 5 (1905) 3-9.

---. Das Restaurieren alter Bucher. Halle/Salle: Wilhelm Knapp Verlag, 1993. 9, 11, 22.

---. Der Bucheinband. Munich: K. G. Saur Verlag, 1993. 186-200.

Adamova, A. “Repetition of Compositons in Manuscripts: The Khamsa of Nizami in Leningrad.” Timurid Art and Culture: Iran and Central Asia in the Fifteenth Century. Lisa Golombek and Maria Subtelny, eds. Leiden: E. J. Brill, 1992. 67-75.

Adle, Chahryar, “Recherche sur le module et le trace correcteur dans la miniature orientale.” Le monde iranien et l’islam: societes et cultures 3 Paris: Societe d’Histoire de l’Orient, 1975. 81-105.

Afshar, Iraj. “The Use of Paper in Islamic Manuscripts as Documented in Classical Persian Texts.” The Codicology of Islamic Manuscripts: Proceedings of the Second Conference of Al-Furqan Islamic Heritage Foundation, 1993. Yasin Dutton, ed. London: Al-Furqan Islamic Heritage Foundation, 1995, 77-91

Agrawal, Om Prakash. “Paper Manuscripts and Paintings.” Conservation of Manuscripts and Paintings of South-east Asia. London: Butterworths, 1984. 127-238.

---. “Care and Conservation of Palm-Leaf and Paper Illustrated Manuscripts.” Palm-leaf and Paper: Illustrated Manuscripts of India and Southeast Asia. John Guy, author. Melbourne: National Gallery of Victoria, 1982. 84-90.

---. “Preservation of Miniature Paintings.” Marg XLIV, No. 1 (1992) 78-80.

---. “Problems of Preservation of Indian Miniatures.” Conservation in the Tropics: Proceedings of the Asia-Pacific Seminar on Conservation of Cultural Property, Feb. 7-16, 1972. O. P. Agrawal, ed. Rome: International Centre for Conservation, 1972. 87-90.

Agrawal, Om Prakash and Usha Agrawal. “Restoration of Three Miniature Paintings with a Problem of Colour Change.” Restoration of Indian Art: some case studies, vol. 1 Lucknow, India: INTACH Conservation Center, 1988. 56-62.

---. “Restoration of a Double-Sided Paper Miniature Painting.” Restoration of Indian Art: some case studies, vol. 1 Lucknow, India: INTACH Conservation Center, 1988. 63-68.

Agrawal, Om Prakash and A. S. Bisht. “Non-aqueous Deacidification and Preservation of an Illustrated Indian Manuscript Leaf.” Studies in Museology 5 (1969) 34-37.

---. “Non-aqueous Deacidification and Preservation of an Indian Illustrated Manuscript Leaf.” Conservation of Cultural Property in India: Proceedings of the IV Seminar, Oct. 29-30, 1969. 25-28.

Agrawal, Om Prakash and Rashmi Tiwari. “Mineral Pigments in India.” Conservation of Cultural Property in India 23 (1990) 41-51.

Alam, Iftikhar. “Bionomics and Control of Lepisma Saccharina (Thysanura).” Conservation of Cultural Property in India 14-15 (1982) 95-97.

al-Hassan, Ahmad and Donald Hill. Islamic Technology: An illustrated history. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1986. 170-176; 190-201.

The Art Institute of Chicago, Oriental Department of. A Loan Exhibition of Islamic Bookbindings. March 20 to May 20, 1952.” Chicago: The Art Institute of Chicago, 1932.

al-Rammah, Murad. “The Ancient Library of Kairouan and Its Methods of Conservation.” The Conservation and Preservation of Islamic Manuscripts: Proceedings of the Third Conference of Al-Furqan Islamic Heritage Foundation. Yusuf Ibish and George Atiyeh, eds. London: Al-Furqan Islamic Heritage Foundation, 1996. 29-47.

al-Sufyani, Ahmad ibn Muhammad. See: es-Soufiani, Abou el-Abbas Ahmed Ben Mohamed.

Alunno, Laura and Marco Sassetti. “Biblioteche della Sabbia tra le dune del deserto (Libraries of the sands between the dunes of the desert).” Kermes: Art, Conservation, Restoration 32 (1998) 30-32, 34-45.

Anderson, Priscilla, Abigail Quandt, Elissa O’Loughlin and Paul Hepworth. “Recent Developments in the Conservation of Islamic Manuscripts.” IIC (International Institute for Conservation) Works of Art on Paper: Books, Documents and Photographs; Techniques and Conservation, Summaries of the Posters at the Baltimore Congress, 2-6 September 2002. n.p.

Arndt, Robert. “Ebru: The Cloud Art.” Aramco World Magazine 24, no. 3 (May-June 1973) 26-32.

Arnold, ThomasW. “The Painters and Their Manner of Working.” Painting in Islam: The Place of Pictorial Art in Muslim Culture. New York: Dover Publications, 1965. 71-79.

Arnold, Thomas and Adolf Grohman. The Islamic Book: A Contribution to Its Art and History from the VII - XVIII Century. Germany: Pegasus Press, 1929.

Arnoult, Jean-Marie. “Libraries of the Ancient Cities of Mauritania.” International Preservation News No. 21 (May 2000) 21.

Arseven, Celal Esad. “Le Cuir;” “Le Papier;” “L’Enluminure et La Dorure;” “La Calligraphie.” Les Arts Decoratifs Turcs. Istanbul: Milli Egitim Basimevi, 1953? 309-319; 320-321; 322-330; 342, 347-348.

“The Art of the Book: Preserving Islamic Manuscripts at the Walters.” Online Posting IMLS (Institute of Museum and Library Services): A Closer Look: Highlights of the Month. November 8, 2001. 6 pp. http://www.imls.gov/closer/hlt_c1101.htm.

Astor, E. “Levantine Sugar Industry in the Later Middle Ages: An Example of Technological Decline.” Israel Oriental Studies 7 (1977) 266-273.

Atanasiu, Vlad. “Le Retroencrage: Analyse du ductus des ecritures d’apres le degrade du coloris de l’encre.” Gazette du livre medieval 37 (Autumn 2000) 34-42.

Atiqi, Mahdi. “Problems Relating to the Treatment of Islamic Manuscripts: Paper,” The Conservation and Preservation of Islamic Manuscripts: Proceedings of the Third Conference of Al-Furqan Islamic Heritage Foundation. Yusuf Ibish and George Atiyeh, eds. London: Al-Furqan Islamic Heritage Foundation, 1996. 151-156.

Babinger, F. “Papierhandel und Papierbereitung in der Levante.” Wochenblatt fur Papierfabrication 62 (Oct-Dec 1931) 1215-1217.

---. “Appunti Sulle Cartiere E Sull’Importanzione Di Carta Nell’Impero Ottoman Specialmente Da Venezia.” Oriente Moderno 11 (1931) 406-415.

---. “Zur Geschichte der Papiererzeugung im Osmanischen Reiche.” Berlin: Gedrucktin der Riechsdruckerie, 1931. 1-9.

Bailey, Gauvin Alexander. “A Palette for Princes: An Unpublished Source on Indian Pigments.” South Asian Studies: Journal of the Society for South Asian Studies 13 (1997) 45-54.

Bailey, Julia W. “Royal and Provincial Persian Painting of the Later Sixteenth Century: Technical Aspects.” Unpublished typescript. Cambridge, MA: Center for Conservation and Technical Studies, Fogg Art Museum, Harvard University, 1985.

Baker, Don. “A note on the expression ‘...a manuscript on Oriental paper’.” Manuscripts of the Middle East 4 (1989) 67-68.

---. “Arab Papermaking.” The Paper Conservator 15 (1991) 28-35.

---. “The Conservation of Jami’ al-Twarikh by Rashid al-Din (1313).” Arts & The Islamic World 20 (Spring 1991) 32-33.

Balakrishnan, T. and M Velayudhan Nair. “Scientific Examination and Treatment of a Mughal painting.” Conservation of Cultural Property in India 12 (1989) 72-73.

Banik, Gerhard. “Green copper pigments and their alteration in manuscripts or works of graphic art.” Pigments et colorants de l’Antiquite et du Moyen Age. Paris: Editions du Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique, 1990. 89-102.

Barkeshli, Mandana. “The Preparation of Copper Based Green Pigment (Zangar) In Iran As Mentioned In Medieval Persian Texts.” Conservation of Cultural Property in India 29 (1996) 231-236.

---. “The presence of saffron in Persian miniature paintings and its use as an inhibitor for the destructive effect of verdigris.” 12th Triennial Meeting, Lyon, 29 August-3 September 1999: International Council of Museums (ICOM), Preprints. Vol 2. London: James & James Ltdl, 1999. 489-494.

---. “The Presence of Saffron Trace in Green Verdigris Pigments Used in Persian Miniature Painting.” Conservation of Cultural Property in India 30 (1997) 126-134.

---. “Using Traditional Japanese Paper-Making Technique in the Restoration of a Thirteenth-Century Iranian Manuscript of the Holy Quran.” Spiderwebs and wallpapers—international applications of the Japanese tradition in paper conservation: proceedings of the international seminar on Japanese paper conservation, 14-20 December 1998. Tokyo: Tokyo National Research Institute of Cultural Properties, 1998. 98-112.

---. “Historical and Scientific Analysis on Sizing Materials Used in Iranian Manuscripts and Miniature Paintings.” The Book and Paper Group Annual 22 (2003) 9-16.

Barkeshli, Mandana and G. H. Ataie. “pH Stability of Saffron Used in Verdigris as an Inhibitor in Persian Miniature Paintings.” Restaurator 23 (2002) 154-164.

Barnard, Mark. “Conservaion Assessment of Miscellaneous Items from the British Library’s Stein Collection: the Conservators’ Dilemma.” Conservation des manuscripts de Dunhuang et d’Asie centrale. Paris: Bibliotheque nationale de France, 1998. 57-63.

Barnard, Mark and Susan Whitfield. “The International Dunhuang Project: Re-uniting the World’s Earliest Paper Archive.” Paper Conservation News 75 (September 1995) 8-10.

Barro, Elisabeth. “Zangar: A Study of Green Pigments Used at the Mughal and Rajput Courts.” B.A. Thesis, Cambridge, MA: Harvard University, 1997.

Bartl, Anna and Manfred Lautenschlager. “Wie man sol machen ein guete goltz grunndt.” Restauro 3 (April-Mai 2000) 180-187.

Battacharya, Asok K. Techniques of Indian Painting: A Study Chiefly Made on the Basis of the Silpa Texts. “Book One: Material”; “Book Two: Method.” Calcutta: Saraswat Library, 1976. 31-91; 92-118.

Bat-Yehouda-Zerdoun, Monique. “Enquete sur les papies non filigranes des manuscrits hebreux anterieurs a 1300.” Le Papier au Moyen Age: histoire et techniques. Bibliologia 19. Turnhout: Brepols, 1999. 85-103.

---. “L’Encre des Pays d’Islam.” Les Encres Noires au Moyen Age. Paris: Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique, 1983. 123-141.

---. “La fabrication des encres noires d’apres les textes.” Codicologica 5: Les materiaux du livre manuscrit. A. Gruys, ed. Leiden: E. J. Brill, 1980. 52-58.

---. “Les Papiers Non Filigranes Medievaux dans les Manuscrits Grecs de la Bibliotheque Nationale de France.” Scriptorium 53 (1999) 275-324.

Baydar, Nil. “Arşiv Belgelerinde Bilgi Toplamaya Yönelik Araştırmalar: İnönü Vakfı Arşivi’ndeki Yazılı Belgelerin Durumlarının Tespiti.” Müzecilik Semineri 25-27 Eylül 2002. Harbiye, Istanbul: T.C. Genelkurmay Başkanlığı Askeri Müze ve Kültür Sitesi, . 104-108.

---. “Belge Konservasyonu: 19. yuzyila Ait Bir İcasetnamenin Konservasyon İşlemleri.” Hacı Bektaş Veli Araştırma Dergisi 26 (Summer 2003) 127-134.

---. “Structural features and conservation problems of Turkish manuscripts and suggestions for solutions.” IIC Works of Art on Paper, Books, Documents and Photographs: Techniques and Conservation, Contributions to the Baltimore Congress 2-6 September 2002. Vincent Daniels, Alan Donnithorne and Perry Smith, eds. London: The International Institute for Conservation of Historic and Artistic Works, 2002. 5-10.

Beaty, Katherine. “Examination and Analysis of Persian Lacquer Bookbindings.” Poster: American Institute of Conservation of Historic and Artistic Works, 33rd Annual Meeting, June 8-13, 2005, Minneapolis, Minnesota.

Bedar, Abid Reza. “The Preservation of Islamic Manuscripts in India.” The Conservation and Preservation of Islamic Manuscripts: Proceedings of the Third Conference of Al-Furqan Islamic Heritage Foundation. Yusuf Ibish and George Atiyeh, eds. London: Al-Furqan Islamic Heritage Foundation, 1996. 15-19.

Behzad, H. Taherzade, “The Preparation of the Miniaturist’s Materials.” A Survey of Persian Art Arthur U. Pope, ed. London: Oxford University Press, 1939. 1921-1927.

Beit-Arie, Malachi. “The Oriental Arabic Paper.” Gazette du livre medieval 28 (Spring 1996) 9-12.

---. “Writing materials: Paper.”; “Ruling Techniques: Ruling with a hard point.”; “Ruling Techniques: Ruling paper leaves with a ruling-board.” Hebrew Codicology. Paris: Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique, 1976. 26-40; 74-75; 78-83.

---. “The Art of Writing and the Craft of Bookmaking.” Hebrew Manuscripts of East and West: Towards a Comparative Codicology. London: The British Library, 1992. 25.

---. “Quantitative typology of Oriental paper patterns.” Le Papier au Moyen Age: histoire et techniques. Bibliologia 19. Monique Zerdoun Bat-Yehouda, ed. Turnhout, Brussels: Brepols, 1999. 41-54.

---. “Methodology of Palaeographical Identification.” The Makings of the Medieval Hebrew Book. Jerusalem: The Magnes Press, The Hebrew University (1993) 39, 41.

---. “Why Comparative Codicology?” Gazette du livre medieval 23 (Autumn 1993) 1-5.

Bencherifa, Mohamed. “The Restoration of Manuscripts in Morocco.” The Conservation and Preservation of Islamic Manuscripts: Proceedings of the Third Conference of Al-Furqan Islamic Heritage Foundation. Yusuf Ibish and George Atiyeh, eds. London: Al-Furqan Islamic Heritage Foundation, 1996. 21-27.

Bertalan, Sarah. “Technical Study 1: Close Examination of Leaves from the Great Mongol Shahnama.” The Legacy of Genghis Khan: Courtly Art and Culture in Western Asia, 1256-1353. Linda Komaroff and Stefano Carboni, eds. New York: Metropolitan Museum of Art, 2002. 227-232.

Berthier, Annie. “Un aspect de la reliure turque: le papier marbre.” Revue Francaise d’Histoire du Livre 37 (1982) 605-620.

---. “Autour des papiers de la correspondance diplomatique ottomane.” Le Papier au Moyen Age: histoire et techniques. Bibliologia 19. Turnhout: Brepols, 1999. 229-231.

Beveridge, Henry. “The Paper-Mills of Samarkand.” Imperial and Asiatic Quarterly Reviewand Oriental and Colonial Record series 3, XXX (1909) 160-164.

Bhattacharyya, D. C. “Notes on the Technique of Buddhist Manuscript Painting.” Indian Painting: Essays in honour of Karl J. Khandalavala. B. N. Goswany, ed. New Delhi: Lalit Kala Akademi, 1995. 66-70.

Bhowmik, Swarna Kamal. “A Non-Aqueous Method for the Restoration of Indian Miniature Paintings.” Studies in Conservation 12, no. 3 (1967) 116-119.

---. “A Note on the Use and Deterioration of Verdigris in Indian Watercolour Painting.” Studies in Conservation 15 (1970) 154-156.

Bibliotheque Nationale. Les Tranchefiles Brodees: Etude historique et technique. Paris: Bibliotheque Nationale, 1989. 86-89.

Binyon, L, J.V.S. Wilkinson and B. Gray. Persian Miniature Painting. London: Oxford University Press, 1933. Plates LXXIa and LXVII, 97-98.

Bioletti, Susie and Andrea Wise. “An Investigation into the Materials and Techniques of a Collection of Indian Minaiture Paintings from the Eastern Deccan.” Unpublished typescript. Canberra: National Gallery of Australia, n.d. 11 pp.

Bish, Tony. “Conservation at the Khalidi Library in the Old City of Jerusalem.” The Conservation and Preservation of Islamic Manuscripts: Proceedings of the Third Conference of Al-Furqan Islamic Heritage Foundation. Yusuf Ibish and George Atiyeh, eds. London: Al-Furqan Islamic Heritage Foundation, 1996. 49-52.

---. “Conservation at the Khalidi Library in the Old City of Jerusalem.” Conference Papers Manchester 1992. Sheila Fairbass, ed. United Kingdom: Institute of Paper Conservation, 1992. 178-181

Bisht, A. S. “Preservation of Illustrated Manuscripts and Miniatures Painted on Both Sides.” Conservation of Cultural Property in India 8 (1975) 38-40.

---. “Preservation of an Illustrated Manuscript on Paper.” Conservation in the Tropics: proceedings of the Asia-Pacific Seminar on Conservation of Cultural Property, February 7-16, 1972. O. P. Agrawal, ed. Rome: International Centre for Conservation, 1972. 98-102.

---. “Faking of Miniatures—A Preliminary Study of the Problem.” Conservation of Cultural Property in India 21 (1988) 68-72.

Bjorkman, Walter. Beitrage zur Geschichte der Staatkanzlei in islamischen Agypten. Hamburg: Griederchsen de Gruyden & Co., 1928. 114.

Blair, Sheila. “On the Track of the “Demotte” Shahnama Manuscript.” .” Les Manuscrits du Moyen-Orient: Essais de codicologie et de paleologie. Actes du Colloque d’Istanbul, 26-29 mai 1986. Francois Deroche, ed. Istanbul/Paris: Institut Francais d’Etudes Anatoliennes d’Istanbul/Bibliotheque nationale, 1989. 125-131.

---. “Color and Gold: The Decorated Papers Used in Manuscripts in Later Islamic Times.” Muqarnas 17, David Roxburgh, ed. Leiden: Brill, 2000. 24-36.

Blengino, J.-M., D. Aubier, N. Lacoudre and M. Dijoux. “Central Asian Manuscripts: Identification of Causes of Chemical Degradation.” Conservation des manuscripts de Dunhuang et d’Asie centrale. Paris: Bibliotheque nationale de France, 1998. 155-161.

Bloom, Jonathan. “Revolution by the Ream.” Aramco World 50 (May/June 1999) 26-39.

---. Paper Before Print: The History and Impact of Papcer in the Islamic World. New Haven: Yale University Press, 2001.

---. “The Blue Koran: An Early Fatimid Kufic Manuscript from the Maghrib.” Les Manuscripts du Moyen-Orient: Essais de codocologie et de paleographie. Actes du Colloque d’Istanbul (Istanbul, 26-29 mai 1986). Varia Turcica VIII Francois Deroche, ed. Istanbul/Paris: Institut Francais d’Etudes Anatoliennes d’Istanbul/Bibliotheque nationale, 1989. 95-99.

---. “The Introduction of Paper to the Islamic Lands and the Development of the Illustrated Manuscript.” Muqarnas 17, David Roxburgh, ed. Leiden: Brill, 2000. 17-23.

Blum, Andre. “Les Origines du Papier.” Revue Historique 170 (Nov-Dec 1932) 435-447.

---. On the Origin of Paper. Harry Miller Lydenberg, trans. New York: R. R. Bowker Co., 1934. 13-36.

Boatwala, Mini and Wilfred Maciel. “Handmade paper in India.” The Penrose Annual 57 (1964) 281-283.

Bockwitz, Hans H. “Ein Papierfund aus dem Anfang des 8. Jahrhunderts am Berge Mugh Bei Samarkand.” Papiergeschichte 5 (July 1955) 42-44.

---. “Zu Karabaceks Forshungen uber das Papier im islamischen Kulturkreis.” Buch und Schrift 1 (1938) 83-86.

---. “Das Papier im alten Weltreich des Islam.” Archiv fur Buchgewerbe und Gebrauchsgraphik 78(August 1941) 309-312.

---. “Zur Siebgrosse in der Altislamischen Papiermacherei Agyptens.” Gutenberg Jahrbuch 27 (1952) 20.

---. “Dokumente zur Papiergeschichte: Quellen zur Geschichte des asiatischen Papiermacherei.” Wochenblatt Fur Papierfabrication 78, no. 3 (February 15, 1950) 67-68.

---. “Die fruheste Verwendung von Papier in den altislamischen Kanzleien.” Papiergeschichte 1 (October 1951) 39-40.

---. “Hochachtung vor dem Papier bei den Turken im 16. Jahrhundert.” Wochenblatt Fur Papierfabrikation 76, no. 1 (January 1948) 12-13.

---. “Hat die orientalische Papiermacherie beriets mechanische Stampfwerke gekannt?” Wochenblatt fur Papierfabrikation 70 (April 1939) 349-352.

Bosch, Gulnar. “The Staff of the Scribes and Implements of the Discerning: an Excerpt.” Ars Orientalis 4 (1961) 1-13.

---. Islamic Bookbinding from the 12th-17th Centuries. PhD Dissertation: University of Chicago. Chicago: unpublished, 1954. 41-82.

Bosch, Gulnar, John Carswell and Guy Petherbridge. The Materials, Techniques and Structures of Islamic Bookmaking. Chicago: The Oriental Institute Museum of the University of Chicago, 1981.

Bowen, Craigen. “Close Looking: Notes on Media and Technique.” From Mind, Heart, and Hand: Persian, Turkish, and Indian Drawings from the Stuart Cary Welch Collection. Stuart Cary Welch and Kimberly Masteller. New Haven, CT: Yale University Press, 2004. 31-35.

Bowen, Craigen and Amy Snodgrass. “Line and Color: Materials and Techniques in Kotah.” Gods, Kings and Tigers: The Art of Kotah. Stuart Cary Welch, ed. New York: Prestel, 1997. 83-89.

Brejoux, Jacques. “Questions de Forme: Observations d’un artisan papetier.” Gazette du livre medieval (Autumn 2000) .

Briquet, C.-M. Le Papier Arabe au Moyen-Age et Sa Fabrication. Berne: Imprimerie Suter & Lierow, 1888.

---. “Recherches sur Les Premiers Papier Employes en Occident et en Orient.” Memoires de la Societe nationale des Antiquaires de France. 46 Paris: C. Klincksieck, 1886. 133-205.

Brockett, Adrian. “Aspects of the physical transmission of the Qur’an in 19th-century Sudan: Script, decoration, binding and paper.” Manuscripts of the Middle East 2 (1987) 45-55.

Brovenko, Nadezhda. “A New Stage in the Restoration of the Dunhuang Collection in the Institute for Oriental Studies of the Russian Federation Academy of Sciences.” Conservation des manuscripts de Dunhuang et d’Asie centrale. Paris: Bibliotheque nationale de France, 1998. 15-19.

Brown, Katherine, Robin Clark and David Jacobs. “The Study of a 15th Century Shahnama using Raman Microscopy and Ultraviolet Light Examination.”

Brown, Katherine, Robin Clark, David Jacobs and Mike Wheeler. “The Use of Raman Microscopy as an Aid to the Identification of Pigments on the Hamzanama.”

Brown, Percy. “Methods and Materials.” Indian Painting Under the Mughals A.D. 1550 to A.D. 1750. New York: Hacker Art Books, 1975. 180-194.

Bruni, Silvia, Franco Cariati, Francesca Casadio and Vittoria Guglielmi. “Micro-Ramen identification of the palette of a precious XVI century illuminated Persian codex.” Journal of Cultural Heritage 2, no 4 (2001) 291-296.

Brunot, L. “Vocabulaire de la tannerie indigene.” Hesperis 3 (1923) 83-124.

Bukhari, Y. K. “Pigments.” Marg 16 (1963) supp. ii-iii.

---. “Kinds of Paper.” Indo Asian Culture 18, no. 2 (1969) 43-45.

Bull, William. “Rebinding Islamic Manuscripts: A new direction.” Bookbinder 1 (1987) 21-38.

---. “An 18th Century Indian Manuscript on Marbling.” Ink and Gall 2 (Summer 1988) 5-7.

Bulliet. Richard W. “Medieval Arabic Tarsh: A Forgotten Chapter in the History of Printing.” Journal of the American Oriental Society 107, no. 3 (1987) 427-438.

Burdett, Ben. “Islamic Binding.” SOBBR (Society of Bookbinders and Book Restorers) Newsletter (Autumn 1989) 14-22, 10-15, 8-10.

Burgel, J. Christoph. “Von Buchern und Termiten.” Festschrift Ewald Wagner zum 65. Geburstag. Studien zur Arabischen Dichtung, 2. Wolfhart Heinrichs and Gregor Shoeler, eds. Stuttgart, Beirut: Franz Steiner Verlag. 337-349.

Cahaner, Noa. “Analysis of Pigments in Indian Miniature Paintings Using Non-Sampling Techniques.” Unpublished typescript. Newcastle, England: University of Northumbria, n.d.

Cailleteau, Michel. “La restauration et la conservation des peintures sur soie ou papier de Dunhuang, au muse Guimet.” Conservation des manuscripts de Dunhuang et d’Asie centrale. Paris: Bibliotheque nationale de France, 1998. 111-119.

Canart, Paul, Simna Di Zio, Lucina Polistena and Daniela Scialanga. “Une Enquete sur le Papier de Type ‘Arabe Occidental’ ou ‘Espagnol Non Filigraine’”. Ancient and Medieval Book Materials and Techniques. Marilena Maniaci and Paola Munafo, eds. Citta del Vaticano: Biblioteca Apostolica Vaticana, 1993. (Studi e Testi, 357-358) I, 313-393.

Canby, Sheila. “Materials and Tools of the Persian Artist.” Persian Painting. New York: Thames and Hudson, 1993. 13-24.

---. “The Condition of Princes of the House of Timur.” Humayun’s Garden Party: Princes of the House of Timur and Early Mughal Painting. Sheila Canby, ed. Bombay: Marg Publications, 1994. 107-116.

---. “The Pen or the Brush? An inquiry into the technique of late Safavid drawings.” Persian Painting from the Mongols to the Qajars. Robert Hillenbrand, ed. London: I. B. Taurus, 2000. 75-82.

Chabbouh, Ibrahim. “Two New Sources of the Art of Mixing Ink.” The Codicology of Islamic Manuscripts: Proceedings of the Second Conference of Al-Furqan Islamic Heritage Foundation, 1993. Yasin Dutton, ed. London: Al-Furqan Islamic Heritage Foundation, 1995, 59-76.

Çağman, Filiz. “XV Yüzyıl Kağıt Oymacılık (Kaat’ı) Eserleri: The Art of Paper Filigree.” Sanat Dunyamız 8 (1976) 22-27.

Çağman, Filiz and Şule Aksoy. Osmanlı Sanatında Hat. Istanbul: T. C. Kültür Bakanlığı, 1998. 14-37.

Chagnon, Michael. “Both Royal and Religious: 18th and 19th Century Iranian Art in the Brooklyn Museum Collection.” Arts of Asia 34, no. 6 (November-December 2004) 108-122.

Chakraborty, Rajan, R. K Chaturvedi and R. K. Sharma. “Restoration of a 17th Century Calligraphic Manuscript.” Conservation of Cultural Property in India 27 (1994) 142-146.

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Çaycı, Ahmet and İbrahim Kunt. “Some Explanations on the Crafts Concerning the Manuscript ‘Bayanu-s-Sin’a’.” Paper presented at the XII International Congress of Ottoman and Turkish Art. Amman, Jordan: October 5-9, 2003.

Ciomartan, Dan and Robin J. H. Clark. “Raman Microscopy Applied to the Analysis of the Pigments Used in Two Persian Manuscripts.” Journal of Brazilian Chemical Society 7, No. 6 (1996) 395-402.

Clapperton, Robert Henderson. Paper, an historical account of its making by hand from the earliest times down to the present day. Oxford: Shakespeare head press, 1934. 47-73.

Clare, Julian and Frederick Marsh. “A Dry Repair Method for Islamic Illuminated Manuscript Leaves.” The Paper Conservator 4 (1979) 3-9.

Clark, R. J. H. and K. Huxley. “Raman spectroscopic study of the pigments on a large illuminated Qur’an circa thirteenth century.” Science and Technology for Cultural Heritage 5:2 (1996) 95-101.

Clark, Robin and Peter Gibbs. “Analysis of 16th century Qazwini Manuscripts by Raman Microscopy and Remote Laser Raman Spectroscopy.” Journal of Archaeological Science 25 (1998) 621-629.

Clarkson, Chris. “Protective Boxes for Near Eastern Book Covers from the Minassian Collection.” Bulletin of the American Institute for Conservation of Historic and Artistic Works 15:2 (1975) 10-16.

Coomaraswamy, Ananda K. “The Technique and Theory of Indian Painting.” Technical Studies in the Field of Fine Arts 3 (1934-35) 59-89.

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© Paul Hepworth 2007