عربى | الصفحة الرئيسية

Arabic Codicology: Islamic Manuscripts
from Saudi Arabia and Beyond

28 February–4 March 2023, Islamic Arts Biennale, Jeddah,

Saudi Arabia

07Omaislamic Arts Biennalephoto By Marco Cappelletti

Attendance Grants for the "Arabic Codicology: Islamic Manuscripts from Saudi Arabia and Beyond course"

The Islamic Manuscript Association is pleased to offer grants for three individuals to attend the course, with one preserved exclusively for a member of the Association. Sponsored by the Barakat Trust*, the grants are open to Muslims currently residing in the Islamic world. The grants have been established to enable qualifying conservators, codicologists, librarians, art historians, curators, researchers, or any other scholars of or specialists in Islamic manuscripts to attend the full course from 28 February to 4 March 2023.

The Grant offers; up to £500 for the air travel between Saudi Arabia and the applicant’s country of residence, up to £500 for seven nights’ accommodation in Jeddah from 27 February to 5 March 2023, and a daily per diem of up to £50 per day for five days. The support will be granted on a competitive basis and all eligible and interested persons are invited to apply via the registration form.

Each recipient of the Grant will be required to write a report about his or her experience and send it to The Islamic Manuscript Association within eight weeks of completion of the course. Please be advised that this report may be published—in print and online—by the Association and the Barakat Trust.

The deadline for applications is 09.00 GMT Monday, 13 February 2023. Accepted applicants will be notified by Thursday, 16 February 2023.


Each recipient of the Grant is expected to attend all of the course's lectures and hands-on sessions and will be required to write a report about his or her experience and send it to The Islamic Manuscript Association within eight weeks of completion of the course. Please be advised that this report may be published—in print and online—by the Association and the Barakat Trust.

* For more information on the Barakat Trust and the grants it provides, including the various conditions of eligibility, see https://barakat.org